martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Joint Heart Ventures

Papiya :the soul......... was floating on the swinging line made of pearly dew drops
it smiled as it cud see those wings flying in to join her some day very soon
the soul........ touched the fresh wind coming from beneath those wings
from far .. far away on this earth
Patricia: but their souls were joined, despite the distance, feeling both the wind, sharing the secret of feeling.... alone
Papiya: the soul heard the cracking noise of those wings
Patricia: whispering the desperate cry of help
Papiya: shattered were they..the soul, the wimgs , the wind
but hidden was the pain
kept softly under the deep skins of her palm
never seen
never felt
never touched were they
bt the soul n her pain remain alive in the laughter of rain drops
in the brightness of sunshine

authors: Papiya Sinha and Patricia Anaya

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