Ruta del Sol /Sun Trek
Parte 1 / Part 1
Despierto 4.38, no funcionó
pensar que durmiendo tarde lograría despertar mas tarde. La adrenalina me hace
saltar de la cama; tomare el desafío, mi condición física me grita que es una
locura, que moriré en el intento pero no me importa. Mi porción de locura es más
fuerte y decido partir. No se si llegare hasta Chinchero, no se si solo miraré
al Chisto blanco y bajare nuevamente a la ciudad, no se si me violaran en el
camino. Es de madrugada y han sido ya 3 los taxistas asaltados en esa misma
ruta y por esa hora, igual mi locura esta emocionada, tiempo que no la dejaba
salir y esta eufóricamente feliz.
Tengo suerte, mi compañera de
campamento me recoge en un carrito seguro y llegamos a Sacsayhuaman, donde el
profesor ya esta departiendo con el grupo más puntual. Nuestro retraso es solo
de 10 minutos pero aun así nos cae la resondrada; "así no llegaremos a ninguna
parte con nuestros futuros turistas, si no los consideramos y respetamos siendo
Es bellísimo Sacsayhuaman a esta
hora, acaba de amanecer, el sol va luchando entre las nubes, ya es
completamente claro cuando llegamos y aun así se percibe la modorra de la
ciudad abajo despertando, la soledad del
recinto, aun no inundado por todos los que queremos saber mas de el. Las
piedras parecen disfrutar su soledad, aun cuchicheando entre ellas, listas a
escuchar y compartir las más diversas explicaciones sobre su origen. Ellas están
allí desde siglos, vieron mucha sangre y agua correr, mucha gente de diferentes
intereses llegar hacia ellas. Hoy un grupo de turistas americanos les hablan silenciosamente
con las palmas abiertas, ofreciéndoles su más pura y sincera pleitesía.
Nosotros, estudiantes de turismo, los observamos y seguimos escuchando a
nuestro profesor FFO, quien con el mayor profesionalismo comparte su sabiduría,
estamos a punto de redescubrir Sacsayhuaman, por segunda vez en este estudio,
por enésima en mi vida y no por última en mi futuro turístico, este enigmático
y maravilloso recinto testigo de nuestra historia y de nuestros primeros
pininos profesionales.
Sun Trek
Part 1
Awake 4.38, did not work think that sleeping later could make wake up
later., you will die in the attempt” but I do not care. My crazy portion is stronger and Adrenaline makes me jump out of bed, I'll
take the challenge, my physical condition yells “it's crazy decide to leave. I
do not know if will arrive till Chinchero, if not, I will just look ti to White
Chisto and go down back to the city again, I do not know if I will be raped on the way. three taxi drivers have been already
robbed on the same route and at this time. Anyway my madness is excited, have
not let her out for long time and she is euphorically happy.
Luckily my camp mate picks me up in a safe car to Sacsayhuaman, where the teacher is already talking with the group who arrived on time. Our delay was only 10 minutes but we still hear the preach; “we will not arrive far with our future tourists, if you do not consider and respect them with our punctuality.
Sacsayhuaman is beautiful at this time of the day, just dawned, the sun is struggling through the clouds, and it is quite clear when we arrived and still perceive the drowsiness of the awakening city below, the loneliness of the enclosure, not yet flooded by all those who want to know more about it. The stones seem to enjoy their solitude, whispering among themselves, ready to listen and share the diverse explanations of their origin. They have been there for centuries; saw much blood and water running, many people of different interests getting to them. Today a group of American tourists were quietly talking to them with open palms, offering its most pure and sincere homage. We, students of tourism, observed and kept listening to our teacher FFO, sharing professionally his wisdom with us, we are about to rediscover Sacsayhuaman, for the second time during this study, for the umpteenth in my life and not for my last time in my future of tourism, this enigmatic and wonderful grounds, witness of our history and our first professional steps in tourism .
Luckily my camp mate picks me up in a safe car to Sacsayhuaman, where the teacher is already talking with the group who arrived on time. Our delay was only 10 minutes but we still hear the preach; “we will not arrive far with our future tourists, if you do not consider and respect them with our punctuality.
Sacsayhuaman is beautiful at this time of the day, just dawned, the sun is struggling through the clouds, and it is quite clear when we arrived and still perceive the drowsiness of the awakening city below, the loneliness of the enclosure, not yet flooded by all those who want to know more about it. The stones seem to enjoy their solitude, whispering among themselves, ready to listen and share the diverse explanations of their origin. They have been there for centuries; saw much blood and water running, many people of different interests getting to them. Today a group of American tourists were quietly talking to them with open palms, offering its most pure and sincere homage. We, students of tourism, observed and kept listening to our teacher FFO, sharing professionally his wisdom with us, we are about to rediscover Sacsayhuaman, for the second time during this study, for the umpteenth in my life and not for my last time in my future of tourism, this enigmatic and wonderful grounds, witness of our history and our first professional steps in tourism .
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