En Febrero todos se postean del amor, del amor cornudo, del amor puro, del amor carnal . y me dejan con ganas de vivir hsitorias ajenas.
Ayer fui a Sacsayhuaman. Por un instante, al ver esos restos arqueologicos los ame, ame intensamente su historia desconocida, interpretada por muchos, vivida por mis ancestros. Quise contar su historia, sentirla intensamente y transmitir su testimonio petreo.
Yo vivi ayer mi propia historia de amor en esa explanada de Chuquipampa, en esos tres baluartes zigzageantes, con sus misteriosas puertas dando la bienvenida a tanta ilusion turistica. Senti la tierra que me sostenia permitiendome pasear y compartir su noble tarea: informar, compartir, sentir vivamente una historia intensa de amor y de odios.
Amor de los nuestros por su vida, la naturaleza, el orden establecido en consquistas que incorporaban y no saboteaban, conquista de corazones;
expansion de territorios. Amor del foraneo por el metal, la codicia, entregados a la barbarie de un continente que solo sabia de usurpasiones.
Ayer Sacsayhuaman en Febrero, me dio una prueba de amor; sentir en mis venas, en mi sangre, el legado de sus sacrificios, historias no contadas pero sentidas y por siempre transmitidas con el testimonio de su existencia.
In February all the people are posting of love, betrayed love, pure love, carnal love. and leave me wanting to live other people's stories .Yesterday I went to Sacsayhuaman. For
a moment , seeing those archaeological remains I loved them intensely, loved their unknown stories; interpreted by many , lived by my ancestors. I wanted to tell their story, feel it intensely and transmit their stony testimony.Yesterday
I lived my own love story in that esplanade called Chuquipampa, in those three
switchbacks bastions , with their mysterious doors welcoming tourist
illusions . I felt the soil that supported me walking and allowing me to share their noble
task : to inform, share , vividly feel an intense story of love and
hate.The love of our people for life , nature, the established order of conquests that incorporated not sabotaged ; conquest of hearts ,expansion of territory. The Love of the outsider for metal , greed, handed over barbarism from a continent that only knew of usurpasions .Yesterday , in February, Sacsayhuaman gave me a proof of love, to feel it in my veins,
in my blood , the legacy of its sacrifices, of its untold stories, always transmitted through the testimony of its existence.